KGS Flexis Diapad Abrasive Diamond Hand Pad
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KGS Flexis everyday dot pattern hand pad, safely and easily grind and polish difficult shapes, such as corners, flats, and round edges. Flexible abrasive hand polishing pads with standard dot pattern for a perfect finish, colour coded by the abrasive strength they're designed to offer.
KGS Flexis diapads are handy tools for grinding and smoothing glass edges in both the workshop and out onsite. Also suitable for the grinding of ceramic, porcelain, metal, composites, and laminates. Can be used wet or dry.
Features and benefits
* Everyday product for hand pad application.
* Comfort of manual grinding, finishing, and polishing.
* Extra-long lifetime, consistent performance, and finish.
* Strong and resistant backing.
* Optimal performance and lifetime.
Available as a set which includes all five grades of KGS Flexis Diapad abrasive diamond hand polishing pads.
Size: 55mm x 90mm